I.G.F. Board meeting in Paris – 30 March, 2 April

I.G.F. Board meeting in Paris – 30 March, 2 April

In 30 March – 2 April 2017, will be held the first meeting in this year of the Executive Bureau of the World Folklore Union – I.G.F.

With this occasion, all members from the Executive Bureau are invited to participate to discuss all the activities that the World Folklore Union is going to run this year.

The meeting will be held at Vietnam Embassy in Paris, where a reception will take place, organized in the honour of the World folklore Union.

•    THURSDAY, MARCH 30th , 2017
Arrival of delegations

•    FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 2017
10h00 Welcome at the Embassy / Welcome Cocktail
10h15 Presentation of the IGF
10h45 Presentation of Vietnam (Economy, Culture, Tourism …)
11h30 Speech and formalization of Vietnam’s membership in the IGF and exchange of gifts
12h30 Lunch (buffet) in the embassy
14h30 Meeting of IGF Board
17h00 Free time
19h00 Embassy transfer to 62, rue Boileau Paris 16th for dinner
19h30 Dinner at 62, rue Boileau 75016 Paris

•    SATURDAY 1st  APRIL 2017
9h45 Meeting at the Vietnamese Embassy
10h00 Development of the IGF outside Europe
12h15 Lunch (buffet) in the embassy
14h30 Visit in Paris
19h30 Gala dinner

•    SUNDAY 2nd  APRIL 2017
Departure of delegations after breakfast
The reception conditions are as follows:
Transfers airports (Charles de Gaulle or Orly) – Paris center supported;
Meals from Thursday evening to Sunday morning breakfast supported;
Accommodation on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights supported.

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