Between 30 November and 3 December 2014 the IGF Board Council will meet to discuss the following problems:
1. Establishing the activities for 2015
2. Analyzing and decision to modify the name of “Oscar” regarding the letter received from Florence.
3. Analyzing and publishing the official documents that show the establishment of IGF in 1949 according to the French laws.
4. Analyzing and proposals for the new office offered by the San Giovanni Rotondo city hall.
5. Other issues
The meeting will follow this program:
30 November
– Arriving
– Dinner
1 December
8.30 – breakfast
11.00 – participating at the Romanian National Celebration
(military Parade, folklore show)
13.00 – lunch
17.00 – spectacle – Magic Shows
20.00 – dinner
2 December
8.30 – breakfast
10.00 – 14.00 – IGF Meeting
14.00 – lunch
19.00 – dinner
3 December
– Departure
Autorisation du Ministere de l’Intèrieur du 29 septembre 1953 enregistrèe á la Prèfecture des Alpes – Maritimes, le 28 oct.1953
« Journal Officiel » de la Rèpublique Francaise du 28 / 11/53, pag.10.668
Après modifications par l’ Assemblèe Gènèrale Extraordinaire du 12 janvier 1957 tenue á Nice
« Journal Officiel » du 16/06/1957 page.6080
Modifications par l’ Assemblèe Gènèrale Extraordinaire du 11september 1999, tenue á Massa ( Italie)
Enregistrement à la Prefecture des Alpes – Maritimes le 13 Avril 2000
Modifications par l’ Assemblèe Gènèrale Extraordinaire du 13 Marc 2005, tenue à Loreto Italie
Nouvelle numeratation n. 27117 prefecture des Alpes – Maritimes – République Francaise
Enregistrement á la Préfecture des Alpes – Maritimes le 16 May 2006
It will be present at this meeting only the Board Council:
– President, president adj., general secretary, vice-presidents general secretary adj.
Special guests: Franco Megna – president of the scientific council,
Pahone Pop, Vladan Tesanovic – members of board council
Best regards,
Prof. phD. Dorel Cosma
I.G.F President