Between 02-05 September in the pastoral main street of Haifa city- Israel (bin Gurion boulevard) , IGF recorded a special formal meeting of the members The General Assembly 2023 for to choosing the organizing institutions Of the world folklore Union I.G.F, was held in the pastoral city of Haifa, Israel.
28 members in total attended the event, and among mutual decisions the members visited to the cities of Nazareth, Acre, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. In this warm and sympathetic atmosphere, on the morning of September 3, 2023, the General assembly of the IGF were opened, including the official election ceremony for the Union’s institutions.
The meeting started with an extensive and detailed review of the budgetary expenditure summery, by Mr. Rini Sourisseau (France) extensively reviewed while presenting slides the financial situation of the Union, among other things options for improvement were discussed among the participating members, comments were received regarding the budget, and decisions were made.
After that, Dr. Dorel Cosma detailed the president’s summery of all the union’s activities, focusing on the late last five years of activities in the IGF.
Ideas and suggestions were received, the members held discussions regarding the future plans while giving advice, recommendations and requirements for improvements and changes.
Prominent speeches were recorded for the IGF federations representatives .
The right was given to all participants to express their positions, reservations and comments. A procedure was later agreed upon
Pre-procedure speech during the election ceremony.
The results of the members’ vote at the end of the discussions.
General Assembly Election Results :
Following long hours of discussions, the voting procedure took place in which the following results for the 2023 – 2027 activity years were accepted by a majority of the votes of those with rights:
I.G.F President Prof.Dr. Dorel Cosma , ROMANIA
Adjunct President Nicolas Charlety , FRANCE
Adjunct President Tobia Rinaldo , ITALY
Secretary General Zelida Stulesatz, FRANCE
Deputy. Secretary General Maria Kolobych, UKRAINE
Treasurer General Renne Sourisseau, FRANCE
Deputy Treasurer Pahony Pop, ROMANIA
Legal Advisor Adv.Nidal Kassem , ISRAEL
I.G.F Senator Benito Repoli, ITALY
I.G.F Senator Luigi Pompilio, ITALY
Vice President Malgorzada Broda , POLAND
Vice President Birute Akelatiene, LITHUANIA
Vice President Ameen Kasem, ISRAEL
Vice President Frango Megna, ITALY
I.G.F Board Member Michales Lanitis , CYPRUS
IGF Board Member Murat Hurriyet , TURKEY
I.G.F Board Member Jozef Revak, SLOVAKIA
I.G.F Board Member Robert Laszlo, ROMANIA
I.G.F Board Member Stejpan Kovacevic, CROATIA
Zenon Kolobych 1st Choreographers Award
After the Formal Elections Greetings were shared on the results, with the Unite wish of all participants of continuing to act as one body, connecting cultures and peoples through the representatives of the Union, the members were honored to hand out to the winners of the first ZENON KOLOBYCH Choreographer Award in the first edition. Among other things, the decision was made that senators will not have the right to vote within the GENERAL ASSEMBLY but have the right to vote in the remaining discussions of the executive committee.
Legal Statut Checking Committee “ Apply Secret Elections” for Future
It was also agreed that a legal committee will be established to examine the STATUT that will discuss and prepare a summary for the executive committee on the request to turn the General Assembly elections into secret elections. Representatives to the committee from Italy, France and Israel .