General Assembly of the European Union Folk, City Centre, october 2011

General Assembly of the European Union Folk, City Centre, october 2011

Bistriţa, Romania was the meeting place of all I.G.F. members. Between October 14th and 16th, 2011
all I.G.F. members were invited to take part in this important event. Apart from the talks linked to last
years’ activity, the ultimate issue was the election of the new chairman and of the new Administration
Board. I.G.F.’s works were held in the elegant premises of ‘George Coşbuc’ Municipal Cultural Centre
of Bistriţa. In the presence of a numerous audience (more than 400 people) composed of folklore
specialists and members of Romania’s National Folklore Federation, the works conducted by I.G.F.’s
Board and by official guests representing national and local authorities, began. The Romanian
Federation was thanked for the organisation of this ample meeting and for the constant work carried
out within I.G.F. The meeting was attended by delegations from Italy, Israel, Portugal, Turkey, Slovakia,
The Salomon Islands, Hungary, Croatia, France, Spain, Latvia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Greece, Ireland,
Cyprus, Lithuania, Mexico, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania. As a result of the freely expressed
vote, Prof PhD Dorel Cosma was unanimously elected president. The following people were proposed
and voted for the positions below :

  • President adj.: Mr. Nicolas Charlety – France
  • Vice-president: Mr. Benito Ripoli – Italy
  • Vice-president : Mr. Michalis Lanitis – Cyprus
  • Vice-president : Mr. Antonio Vinas – Spain
  • Secretary general : Mr. Rosen Bogdanov – Bulgaria
  • secretary general adj. : Mrs. Indra Filipsone
  • Treasurer : Mr. Claude Serrail – France


    Mr. Giorgio Cutsak – Grece ; Mrs. Edit Varga – Hungary ;

    Mr. Johannes Schmid Kunz – Switzerland ;

    Mrs. Paulette Boylac Serret – France ;

    Mr. Zenon Kolybich – Ukraine ; Mr. Pahone Pop – Romania ;

    Mr. Fernando Fereira – Portugal

Scientific commission president: Mr. Franco Megna – Italy

Auditor: Mr. Ladislav Michalek – The Czech Republic

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