I.G.F. Administration Board SOFIA – Bulgaria, 27-29 december 2011

I.G.F. Administration Board SOFIA – Bulgaria, 27-29 december 2011

I.G.F.’s Administration Board was held in Sofia, Bulgaria between December 27th and 29th, 2011. It was the first meeting of the new Administration Board after the elections within October 2011 General Assembly.

The present people were :

  • Prof. PhD Dorel Cosma – I.G.F.’s president
  • Nicholas Charléty ( France ) – president adj.
  • Benito Ripoli ( Italy ) – vice president
  • Michalek Lanitis ( Cyprus ) – vice-president
  • Rosen Bogdanov ( Bulgaria ) – secretary general
  • Indra Filipsone ( Latvia ) – secretary general adj.
  • Johannes Schmid Kunz ( Switzerland ) – member
  • Paulette Boylac Serret ( France ) – member
  • Pahone Pop ( Romania) – member
  • Vladan Tesanovici ( Serbia ) – member
  • Birute Akelaitiene ( Lithuania ) – member
  • Ladislav Michalek ( The Czech Republic ) – member

Interpreters delegated from National Folklore Federations of Bulgaria-Romania (Mihai Berbunschi, Doris Cosma), France (Zelida Charléty), Nino Indaimo (Italy) were also present as guests.

The Administration Board validated the inclusion in the Board of two more members, namely Vladan Tesanovici (Sebia) and Birute Akelaitiene (Lithuania).
For the first time in I.G.F.’s history, all the members of the Administration Board received Board member Certificates and special Badges.

  1. One set up five work departments, which are listed in Appendix 1 and you are kindly invited to express your wish of working in one or two of these departments. Please notify your choice in writing to I.G.F.’s chairman, who afterwards will let know your intention to the department chairmen. The departments’ analysis will be made on each I.G.F. Board. Appendix 2 specifies I.G.F. Board’s works.
  2. One set up the General Rules for awarding the World Oscar Prizes for Folklore, as well as the holding place between 2012 and 2014. All these can be found in Appendix 3.
  3. One set up the organisation of I.G.F.’s own Festival that replaces the former Grand Prix’ kitsch and unclear businesses. The festival organised by I.G.F. will bear the World Folk Stars name and will be arranged according to the Regulations stipulated in Appendix 4.
  4. I.G.F.’s new flag was presented and blessed. It is made of silk and it has I.G.F.’s logo embroidered thereon. We thus replaced the plastic kitsch used till the previous year. The flag was handed to the Bulgarian Federation, which will keep it in a visible place until the first I.G.F.’s meeting. I.G.F.’s Secretary general is directly responsible for the flag handing over based on a signature.
  5. One proceeded to updating I.G.F.’s members, the fictitious names who have never taken part in any I.G.F. activity were removed, as they had only been there from the former leader’s imagination. The complete list can be found in Appendix 5, on the specification that on the future new meeting, the activity-free Federations or the ones that do not comply with I.G.F.’s charter or decisions will be excluded and some other Federations will be registered.
  6. Seeing the amplitude of the future events and the support that I.G.F. intends to provide to all events, one decided to increase the contributions amount, as follows :

from EUR 100 to EUR 150

from EUR 200 to EUR 300

from EUR 300 to EUR 500

We will thus be able to support such important events as World Folk Star and many others.
We kindly ask all I.G.F. colleagues to check up the contributions breakdown, to pay their arrears (where applicable), so that we could set off in 2012 with new energies and with outstanding achievements. The new contributions enter into force from January 1st, 2012.

Our new website, www.igfunion.eu, was opened for an optimal collaboration and furtherance of I.G.F.
Given the activity carried out throughout the years, the Administration Board decided to award honorific titles that did not exist in the Charter so far. These approved titles are part of the Internal By-laws and can be granted or withdrawn by the Administration Board and by the General Assembly on account of the majority vote. The two approved titles are : I.G.F.’s Honour president and I.G.F.’s Senator.

The honorific titles are awarded for special merits by the General Assembly or by the Administration Board and the owners of these titles will have the following obligations and duties :

to observe I.G.F.

to further I.G.F.’s ideas and activities

to support I.G.F. by their power

they may participate, as guests, at I.G.F.’s General Assemblies, they can make propositions regarding I.G.F.’s activity, but they may neither elect (vote) nor be elected in the managing structure.

they neither may nor have the right to speak or to sign documents or letters on behalf of I.G.F.
As a result of the talks, the following were declared honour president :

Lucien Moll – France

Hans Jorg Brenner – Gemany

Lillo Alessandro – Italy

I.G.F.’s Senators :

  • Denyse Bidault – France
  • André Dubouloz – France
  • Maurice Perrier – France

I.G.F.’s president sends his congratulations and the award to the above-named ones.
The Administration Board from Sofia entirely carried out its works according to I.G.F.’s Charter, so that the decisions made as a result of the unanimous agreement become mandatory for all I.G.F. members. We take this opportunity to thank once more the Bulgarian National Folklore Federation and especially our colleague, Rosen Bogdanov, for their kindness and for the good organisation of this meeting.

I wish all I.G.F. members a year as good as it may be, good luck in every aspect and I am looking forward to dearly seeing you at the 2012 folklore events.

Yours respectfully and friendly,

Prof. PhD Dorel Cosma

I.G.F.’s President

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