Dear colleagues,

As you already know, between 21 and 23 October 2015 at Haifa in Israel it will happen IGF Board Meeting and the Gold Star Awards with the big support and effort of Israel Folklore Federation ”Albadia”.

IGF Board meeting will follow this program:

–         Presenting  the IGF organigram

–         Each board member tasks and duties

–         Program of IGF events 2015 – 2019. Each IGF board member will propose and organize at least one event (meting, caravan, Gold Star, World Folklore Star, etc)


The expense for the meeting from Haifa are very high. All IGF members are asked to understand that organizers can provide free accommodation and meals only for the IGF members and also for that 6 persons nominated for the awards. All other accompanying persons must pay for accommodation and meals.

In order to have a good meeting please send the payment before to our colleague Ameen Kassem, if there are accompanying persons.

Also all participants must arrive at Hotel ”MAROM” (51 Palmach Stree, Haifa, 34558, Israel) with the Taxi Sherot which will cost only 19 euro.

Best regards,

IGF President,

Prof. Phd. Dorel  Cosma

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