I.G.F BOARD 17-19 April 2015

I.G.F BOARD 17-19 April 2015

Between 17 and 19 April 2015, at Ourense – Spain was held the International Congress of Folklore and Tourism. The event was organized on two sections:

– Section tourism in which representatives from 20 countries supported communication and tourism promotion films from countries of origin.

– Section folklore included an attractive program of debates and cultural events of the World Union of I.G.F folklore

This IGF meeting took place in one elegant thermal resort of Laias called Caldaria.

I.G.F Board Meeting

At this meeting organized exemplary by our colleague Antonio Vinas, I.G.F vice-President, were present:

Prof.phd Dorel Cosma – President I.G.F.

President Adjunct: Nicolas Charlety


–  Antonio Vinas

–  Michalis Lanitis

–  Benito Ripoli

General Secretary: Rosen Bogdanov

General Secretary Adjunct: Indra Filipsone

Senator I.G.F – Luigi Pompilio

Members of I.G.F Bureau: Pahone Pop, Franco Megna, Vladan Tesanovic, Birute Akelatiene.

There have been invited: Fabrizio Catani, Ameen Kassem, Stepan Kovacevic, Oleg Fedarovici, Carlos Oliveira, Zelida Charlety and Mihai Berbunschi.

The meeting was opened by President I.G.F Professor Dorel Cosma who thanked his hosts and especially Antonio Vinas for the excellent organization of the event. Then the President I.G.F presented the Nr. 23 of the I.G.F. magazine focusing on the most important chapters and action program in 2015.

The new delegations who expressed their desire to join the I.G.F: Finland, Peru, and Portugal, were welcomed at the meeting.

It was remind to everyone to pay the contribution taxes for 2015, given the new actions to be achieved.

An important analysis was made on the I.G.F caravan: -2015 – which will take place from 20 to 30 June 2015 on the route: Portugal – Spain (Ourense) – France (Voiron) – Italy (Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo ).

The financial costs will be supported by the National Federation of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Romania.

At the new office from San Giovanni Rotondo will end the Caravan with special awards and a large I.G.F. Bal involving all members. Note that through the intervention and support of Senator Luigi Pompilio and I.G.F. F.I.T.P, at the end of the caravan from 28 and 29 June 2015 they will provide for all colleagues who will announce their participation until May 5, 2015 the accommodations – the President I.G.F and the General Secretary I.G.F. Artists present in the caravan are: Bulgaria, Spain, Romania, Israel, Argentina, France, Cyprus, Lithuania, Portugal, Belarus, Serbia, Croatia.

I.G.F. Gala Awards – IGF GOLD STAR (ex Oscar) 2015 will be held in Haifa – Israel between 21 and 23 October 2015. President of the Israel Folklore Federation, presented at the I.G.F meeting, schedule this event where are awarded annually by the I.G.F for 5-7 personalities from the world of folklore – worldwide. At the event will be invited important Israeli authorities. Prizes will be awarded to cultural figures from Israel, France, Spain, Belarus, Italy, and Latvia. The CVs of these personalities will be dispatched with film presentation until May 30, 2015, directly to the Federation of Israel, to Mr. President Ameen Kassem. In the near future the President of I.G.F. will pay a visit to Haifa to determine all matters relating to the organization of this important event.

I.G.F. General Meeting August 27 to 29, 2015 – Nimes – France.

Mr. Nicolas Charlety, president adj., has presented the important program of the meeting from Nimes. In order to achieve the THE WORLD FOLK STARS competition, are proposed folk ensembles from Croatia, Italy, Spain, Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria that will comprise a maximum of 20 members: these ensembles will receive the final title of Emeritus international folk ensemble. In addition to these six ensembles will participate further 11 folk ensembles from France. Particularly important is the General Assembly I.G.F which will include the activity report of this legislature and the election for the following legislature. What is important is the compliance of the I.G.F statute which provides that submission of applications will be made 30 days before the election. These applications must be sent to the General Secretary I.G.F Mr. Rosen Bogdanov who will present to the General Assembly the candidates. Adjunct President I.G.F – Nicolas Charlety with Folklore Confederation of France will host this important event in the life of I.G.F.

An important moment of the meeting was the handing over by Mr. Vice President Benito Ripoli official documents of existence and activity of the I.G.F. President I.G.F. Prof.Phd. Dorel Cosma took the documents and thanked in the plenary to two colleagues Nicolas Charlety and Benito Ripoli for the work and understanding they have shown in supporting and maintaining I.G.F.

In the I.G.F Board were voted unanimously mentioned problems. The General Secretary was equipped with the necessary technical equipment for recording the voices. The schedule of visits and performances completed happily the realization of this meeting in Spain. The I.G.F. Board through the President Prof. Phd. Dorel Cosma thanks in particular to the Vice-President Antonio Vinas for the exceptional effort and organization of the entire program in Spain.

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