I.G.F. Board march 30th 2019 in Las Palmas Gran Canarias

I.G.F. Board march 30th 2019 in Las Palmas Gran Canarias

People who attended :


Pahone POP





Jose Antonio VINAS

Franco MEGNA


Michalis LANITIS






M. Dorel Cosma thanks M. Jose Antonio Vinas to welcome the I.G.F. Board in Las Palmas Gran Canaria for this meeting.

  1. Honour to Zenon Kolobich :

The meeting began by one minute of silence as a tribute to M. Zenon Kolobic who passed away a few months before. Dorel Cosma made a speech reminding that Zenon Kolobich was a very famous choreographer and a friend.

  1. Welcome speech :

Jose Antonio Vinas made a speech to welcome the members of the IGF board to come to Las Palmas. He is very happy to speak of Folklore in this very big world federation that is IGF. He is very honoured that the president trusted him to organise this meeting.

Dorel Cosma added that this first board for 2019 is very important for all the activities of the coming year.

  1. I.G.F. Caravan :

Dorel Cosma insists that it is very important to get high quality artists because it is an IGF organization and it is important that all federations contribute by promoting high level quality.

Antonio presents the 2019 edition : from june 20th until june 24th 2019 in Ourense.

Airport : St Jacques de Compostelle / transfers from airport to Ourense.

6 countries are invited, 2 persons per country.

Other projects :

In Romania Dorel Cosma presents two events which take place in north and center of the country. There are festivals of singers, he proposes that the name is also “I.G.F. Caravan”.

In 2020 Jose Antonio Vinas explains that there will be a big Caravan in Portugal, next to Porto, with 10 countries. Conditions will be : 2 to 3 persons by country, accommodation in hotels, food and transfer from airport provided.

Dorel Cosma is satisfied to work with Portugal as the new president of the Portuguese federation wants to collaborate again with IGF.

Nicolas Charléty thanks Antonio for his organisation of 2018, as he was honoured to represent the president of IGF who was not available. His organisation was perfect.

Dorel Cosma tells he was very happy that Nicolas Charléty could represent him.

Vladan Tesanovic proposes to the board to vote if it is O.K. to organise a Caravan in Portugal in 2020, with Jose Antonio Vinas who remains organizer.

The board approved this proposal unanimously. 

Benito Ripoli thanks Antonio to organize the Caravan because it became an emblematic I.G.F. event. He says that I.G.F needs to have symbols. He says that I.G.F. needs to be distinguished, like for Padre Pio, by events. In 2020 he will invite all the members of I.G.F. for a big event around Padre Pio.

Dorel Cosma thanks F.I.T.P. to organise events around Padre Pio because people from different faiths are gathered, it is very good to send a peace message.

  1. I.G.F. Gold Stars / World Folklore Stars :

Dorel Cosma organises a festival (with 12 countries) in the end of July in Bistrita. He invites all members of I.G.F., not only the board. This year I.G.F. is 70 year old as it began in 1949.

He wants to celebrate it.

At the same occasion he will organize I.G.F. Gold Stars. He proposes 7 Gold Stars.

Festival will begin on july 26th and the I.G.F. Gold Star will take place in july 29th 2019 (same day as the national day for Romanian hymn).

If it possible he invites the mayors of the I.G.F. members. He also works with the embassies, he really wants to have a special day.

In parallel there will be also an exhibition promoting the works of each federation. He already organized big exhibitions with costumes from France and Bulgaria, and it was very successful.

He asks members to send by the end of april photos of the activities of the federations and a costume of a couple.

Benito Ripoli says that it is possible to have the Prime Minister of Italy invited.

Dorel Cosma reminds that if members of IGF know very famous people, they have to tell him to make them invite.

  1. I.G.F. General Assembly  :

Nicolas Charléty introduces the General Assembly which will take place in Chamonix, France on October 4, 5 and 6th 2019.

The program is presented by Power Point. Airport for the delegations : Geneva.

The meeting in Le Puy du Fou is no more possible as the dates was asked to be changed by the president from September to October.

Dorel Cosma thanks Nicolas Charlety for this presentation and says that the meeting in Bistrita in next july will be a good preparation for the general assembly.

  1. Invitation in Cairo :

Dorel Cosma gives the information that he has an invitation for a festival in Cairo, Egypt, for 6 countries from august 23rd until august 30th 2019. Very good conditions of accommodation.

Each group : maximum 15 persons. Recorded music only. He needs answers quickly.

  1. Invitation in Sicily :

Benito Ripoli explains that there is a festival in Sicily from September 4th until 8th 2019. Maximum 30 persons in each group.

There will be also a big event in Roma, he will send the information to everybody.

  1. Ethnographic Film and Documentary Festival :

Franco Megna explains that F.I.T.P. organizes this very important international event. Jury is composed by professionals. This year 57 documentaries were on the screen. Most of them come from I.O.V., only a few from I.G.F.

France won the first prize thanks to a marvellous documentary.

For the 2019 edition he requires I.G.F. people to send some films or documentaries. It will take place in oct-nov. 2019. The deadline to send the materials in end of august.

Free subject.

  1. Finances :

Dorel Cosma wants that all federations have paid their contributions by the end of july in Bistrita.

With René Sourisseau they list all the federations and the board member responsible for it.

René Sourisseau gives information about finances.

This leads me to conclude :

®     That next year we will not have to incur any expense ;

®     That actions must be undertaken imperatively with the members of the federations so that the contributions are paid regularly ;

®     When new countries  join I.G.F. I need to get their contacts to make them pay the contribution ;

®     We need to take a decision for the federations which never pay;

®     We must apply the decision taken in Sofia that the new contribution is 250 € for 50 groups. “

Dorel Cosma reminds the amount of contributions which was voted in Sofia. He requires that members of the board are exemplary with their federation’s contribution.

He asks each federation to check the I.G.F. count information to be sure not to make a mistake.

Vladan Tesanovic answers that this federation wishes to have news from I.G.F., but has nothing.

Dorel Cosma reminds that all information are on line (Facebook + website). He expects from Vladan Tesanvic that he makes Croatia pay.

Dorel Cosma insists on the fact that he really wants that things go on for the next meeting in july.

Greece : Dorel Cosma will call Meni and Vladan Tesanovic will call Giorgio Cutsak.

Portugal : Jose Antonio Vinas knows the, the federation is interested.

Argentina : in discussion with Vladan Tesanovic

Mexico : no answer

Peru : Vladan Tesanovic will call them

Czech Republic : Dorel speaks with them

Bosnia-Herz. : in discussion with Vladan Tesanovic

Hungary : no answer, Vladan Tesanovic will try again

Turkey : Dorel Cosma proposes to find another federation

Algeria : no news

Latvia : Birute will speak with them

Estonia : Birute tries to find a federation

Belarus : Rosen will speak with them

Vietnam : Nicolas in charge of it

Again René Sourisseau asks how it will possible to make expenses in these conditions this year. Dorel Cosma answers him that we wait for the contributions and we will decide after that.

  1. Academy of choreographers :

Nicolas makes a presentation by Power Point. The town of Voiron gives to the association a school.

It will be possible to practice, to organize office, bibliotheca and by two years it will be possible to make accommodation for members who will attend meeting or cursus.

The French federation is disappointed because  since the meeting of November 2017 in Voiron, nothing was done. Is was asked to all federation to send books, to send CV of teachers… Nothing was sent. So Nicolas Charléty will send a letter to all members. And the academy will start with those who answer.

Dorel Cosma thanks Nicolas Charléty for this new project of building. He finds it very interesting. He says that the exhibition which will take place in Bistrita this summer could go there after.

Dorel Cosma is convinced by the need of the academy of choreographers, he requires the members and the federations to send the expected material.

Franco Megna congratulates for this new project.

Dorel Cosma thanks the mayor of Voiron because he always supports I.G.F.

  1. Conclusion :

As conclusion Jose Antonio Vinas presents two persons who work hard for folklore in Canarias. Throughout a short video and a kind of interview they present their activities of journalist specialised in history and traditions and as president of the federation of Canarias, responsible as well of a festival.

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