I.G.F. BOARD MEETING – PARIS, March 31st 2017

I.G.F. BOARD MEETING – PARIS, March 31st 2017

The I.G.F Board takes place in the Embassy of Vietnam, 61 rue Miromesnil 75008 Paris.

Opening by M. Dorel Cosma.

Thank you to M. Nguyen, director of the Cultural Center of Vietnam (C.C.V.).

Thank you to M. Nicolas Charléty for his work.

Thank you to His excellency M. the Ambassador of Vietnam in France.

Today I.G.F. lives a historical day. For sure there will be nice collaboration with Vietnam in the future.

There are a few problems that we will speak about during the meeting.

New I.G.F. website

Adi Puscas made a lot of work on a promotional film that you can find on the new website of I.G.F. The information are on line frequently. All the federation are asked to send material in order to be published on the website.

Adi Piscas gives some more information : the official I.G.F. website is new. It presents all the I.G.F members.

Concerning the I.G.F. Live T.V. all the federations can send videos, information to be published.

It is really important to answer the mails federations received from the president’s team.

It is the very beginning of this new website so we need material.

Nicolas Charléty thanks Adi and the team of  Bistrita for their work. He has a question : is it possible to send several short videos and the story movie from our festival and then you realise the film ? And how much will it cost ?

Answer from Dorel Cosma : the team composed of Mihai, Adi and Doris make this for free. So yes it is possible. Be careful to send good quality of films.

Meeting in Bucarest

Dorel Cosma will organise a big meeting on may 9th, 10th and 11th 2017 in Bucarest. It will take place in the Romanian parliament, with the minister of Culture and ambassadors of the countries represented. Arrival on may 8th 2017, meeting on may 9th 2017.

May 9th is the European Day.

All the board members are invited with a couple in costumes.

The mayors from Bistrita, Ourence, Razgrad, Voiron and San Giovanni Rotondo are invited also.

The I.G.F. Caravan :

The I.G.F. Caravan will take place in Spain from june 15th until june 19th 2017.

There will be 3 to 4 shows.

Six countries will participate : Vietnam, Israël, Italy, Cyprus, Romania, France. Maximum 3 persons by country.

Very good conditions of accommodation (hotel with swimming-pool).

This is a new version of the Caravan  : less distance, people will be less tired.

April 15th 2017 : deadline to send the names of participants, with photos and presentation in costumes to Antonio Vinas and Adi Puscas.

Ameen Kassem asks if it possible to organise a Caravan in the Middle-Orient. Yes Dorel Cosma answers it is possible to have two Caravans in parallel.

For 2018 : France proposes its candidature to organise the I.G.F Caravan.

The I.G.F. Gold Stars (ex Oscars) / The Folk Stars

Vladan Tesanovic gives information :

The I.G.F. Gold Stars will take place in Kosovo from august 7th until 13th 2017.

Maximum 5 to 7 persons : Spain, Serbia, Israël, Cyprus, Greece, Italy are candidates.

At the same time there will be a meeting of the board.

Airport : Pristina or Belgrade. Transfers will be supported by the local organisators.

In May : deadline to send names and CV and videos of the candidates.

The Folk Stars

5 to 6 countries are invited. It is good to invite also groups from outside of Europe as Bistrita and Voiron do in their festival, even if there are problems of distance.

April 15th 2017 : deadline to answer which country will participate.

Arrival on august 7th or 8th 2017 / departure on august 13th 2017.

Countries : Romania, Italy, Israël, Spain ? Vietnam ?

The I.G.F. Board

On September 1st until September 3rd 2017 the I.G.F. board will take place in Interlaken (Switzerland), organised by Johannes Schmid-Kunz.

April 15th 2017 : deadline to answer who is coming.

The Academy of Choregraphers :

Nicolas Charléty would like to know what to do with this project. In the last board in Bistrita in October 2016 it was decided to organise the academy. A mail was sent to all members of the board to have one person by country. Only two people answered.  So ?

Dorel Cosma asks Nicolas Charléty to explain again this project because he thinks it is a good project for I.G.F. and he supports it.

The goal of the academy is to settle a cursus of formation and to deliver a diploma of choregrapher recognised by Europe.

Each country nominates a choregrapher. The first meeting will take place in Voiron on july 1st and 2nd 2017.

Nicolas Charléty thinks it will take two years to establish a program of formation.

It is important to make a pedagogic program, and to define a common language.

Then a discussion between members of the board proves that it will be interesting to work on it. People have many things to say, but it is not time to begin the meeting of choregraphers !

Nicolas Charléty insists on the fact that it is better that I.G.F. has its own diploma recognised by Europe and Unesco than having diplomas coming from outside.

May 8th 2017 : deadline to answer who is coming to the first meeting in Voiron.

Airport of arrival and departure : Lyon or Geneva.

Transfers from airports, accommodation and food will be supported by the organisators.

Nicolas Charléty confirms that in Voiron all the  rooms  to practice dance will be available for free. He already began working with Erasmus Plus and with the university of dance of Cruz Alta (Brazil). There will be possible exchanges between students and I.G.F. members.

Call for Projects :

Nicolas Charléty insists that I.G.F. must find finances by answering to call for projects. René Sourisseau sent the financial situation  which shows that it becomes urgent to find outside finances.I.G.F. cotisations are not enough.

Antonio Vinas proposes to make a little committee with Franco Megna to work on it. Because Franco Megna is specialist for this.

Vladan Tesanovic has an example of projects : many refugees are coming throughout Europe. They live difficult situations. I.G.F. could go towards them, helping them to settle in a new country, making easier the integration by culture.

Stops throughout Europe :

Dorel Cosma confirms he is interested by this project but he wants that I.G.F. board members tell what they think of  it because they didn’t answer to the mails sent after the board of Bistrita about this project.

Vladan Tesanovic proposes that individually the leaders of groups contact by themselves a federation when they need to stop in a country.

Festival of Anthropologic film :

Franco Megna presents the festival of anthropologic film will take place in San Giovanni Rotondo in next October.

Films of 15 minutes on free themes will be projected.

September 2017 : deadline to be candidate.

Festival in Bistrita :

The international festival of folklore of Bistrita will take place from july 24th  until 28th 2017. He would like to get groups from I.G.F federations. Airport of Cluj-Napoca.

Financial situation :

On September 28th 2016 : + 14 162,50 €

There were several expenses (TV vehicle, magazine, trophees, bank cost…) for 9110 €.

Since September 28th 2016 there is a debit balance of 8810 €.

Today in treasury it remains 5247 €.

It is difficult to obtain ressources.

May 8th 2017 : deadline to pay for the cotisations.

René Sourisseau proposes that the countries which don’t pay their cotisation cannot participate to I.G.F. events.

Vote : accepted unanimously.

René Sourisseau proposes to establish an estimated budget for the following year.

Vote : accepted unanimously.

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