Artistic Director and Choreographer of the Ensemble of Dance and Song “Vieversa” of Utena Culture Center

Date of birth: 26 September 1956, location at Linkuva mst., Pakruojis district.

Home address: V. Kudirkos g. 42-21, Utena. Tel. +370 614 29 978.

Email: roberta.maceliene@gmail.com

Higher Education, LSSR State Conservatory, Klaipėda Culture Faculty, acquired the specialty of ballet master-teacher, 1980.

Founder of the ensemble “Vieversa”. Year of foundation: 1996. Number of members: 120. Participants: children, young people, adults. Address: Utena Culture Center, Aušros g. 49, Utena. Tel. +370 614 29 978.

Email: roberta.maceliene@utenoskc.lt ; www.utenoskc.lt

She has been leading this collective since 1996 (dance ensembles from which he founded ensemble – since 1979).

Most notable recent works and achievements

In 2007 R. Macelienė created the composition of the dance “Rytagonė” for the Republican Song Festival’s Ensemble evening program “The Sun’s Gate”.

In 2009 for the Republican Song Festival’s evening of ensembles “The Year” she created two compositions of the square: “Jurja, Unlock the Earth” and “Who Picked You, Kupolijyte?”. Ballet-master of the ensemble’s evening “The Year”.

In 2009 R. Macelienė and her ensemble “Vieversa” created a dance composition “The Source of the Ages” and showed the Utena city community and guests on the occasion of the opening of Utena multifunctional sports complex.

Every year the ensemble creates a new theatrical concert program for Mother’s Day.

2011 October 28th, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the ensemble, she created the program “I Grew up with my Mother”.

In 2011 Roberta Macelienė was elected Choreographer of Utena Choir at TV3 Competition “Choir Wars”.

In 2011 R. Macelienė was awarded with Utena District Municipality symbol (memorial sign) “Utenai-750” for the long-term leadership of the ensemble “Vieversa” for creative work with children and love for dance and art.

In 2012 the ensemble “Vieversa” participated in the international project “White Bird above Aukštaitija and Latgale”, during which new dance compositions with Latvian dance group “Gaida” were created. The ensembles participated in the creative camp and showed three joint concerts in Alanta, Utena and Preili (Latvia).

In 2013 R. Macelienė became a member of 2014 Song Festival LLKC Art Council of the Evening Program of Ensembles. With “Vieversa” she participated in Dzūkų Part Dance Competition “Squirrel”, which she presented to the Art Council and won 1st prize. The dance was performed in 2014 Song Festival in the Evening of Ensembles Dzūkų Part.

In 2012 Roberta Macelienė was awarded the Utena District Art and Culture Prize.

In 2014 R. Macelienė was awarded the Honored Person of Utena.

In 2014 three dances created by R. Macelienė are shown in the evening program of the ensembles: men’s dance “Tulyda kabaldai”, dance “Squirrel” and “Dance with benches”.

In 2015 Roberta Macelienė was elected a member of Utena District Municipality Council.

In 2016 she got the acknowledgment of LLKC Director for ballet-master’s work at the Lithuanian Schoolchildren Song Festival.

The title of the best Lithuanian dance teacher of school year 2015-2016 was given to R. Macelienė.

In 2016 R. Macelienė – ballet-master of the program “From the Grandma’s Chest” at Lithuanian Schoolchildren Song Celebration.

In 2016 R. Macelienė – one of ballet-masters and organisers of Republican Song and Dance Ensemble Festival held in Utena“Lithuania – You Are One for Me” dedicated to the upcoming 100th anniversary of the restoration of the state of Lithuania.

2016 November 26 R. Macelienė – author, organizer and ballet master of 20th anniversary concert of the ensemble “Vieversa” creative activity “Embrace the Earth with Wings of VIEVERSA”.

In 2017 R. Macelienė was granted the name of Honorary Citizen of Utena Region.

In 2017 ballet master of prepared Ensemble’s Evening Children Part in 2018 Republican Song and Dance Festival.

Recent achievements, awards, prizes of the ensemble “Vieversa” led by R. Macelienė:

Every year the ensemble participates in concerts and Festivals of the district, republic and foreign countries, receives letters of thanks.

Letters of appreciation for participating in each Student Song Festival.

Since 1996 the ensemble “Vieversa” is participant, diplomat and winner of each Republican Dance Competition “Aguonėlė”.

In 2004 the ensemble “Vieversa” is recognized as the best and awarded with “Golden Bird”.

In 2007 Medal of the Lithuanian Minister of Culture Jonas Jučas and the Director of the Lithuanian Song Festival Saulius Liausa on the occasion of the Lithuanian Song Festival “Būties ratu”.

In 2007 the acknowledgment of Mayor of Utena District Municipality Alvydas Katinas for artistic ideas creating theatrical play “Stagecoaches were rolling on St. Petersburg-Warsaw tract. Utena market of XIX century”.

In 2007 the acknowledgment of the Director of Lithuanian Folk Culture Center Saulius Liausa on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the ensemble “Vieversa”.

In 2009 the medal for the Song Festival Ensemble Evening “The Year”.

In 2009 the diploma of the International Folk Music and Dance Festival “Range of Lakes 2009”.

In 2010 Tunisian President’s official thanks for participating in the international Festival in Tunisia.

In 2011 the acknowledgment of Mayor of Utena District A. Katinas for choreographic compositions created for pop-choir “Decima”.

In 2011 the official thanks of Vilnius Ethnic Culture Center for participation in 2011 “Kaziuko Fair” culture program “Aukštaičių Days”.

In 2011 Tauragė Mayor’s official thanks for participating in the Festival “Tauragė’s Days 2011”.

In 2013 Utena District Municipality Mayor’s thanksgiving letter for participation in international project “White Bird above Aukštaitija and Latgale”.

2013–2017 the acknowledgments from Republican Festivals “Friends for Friends”, “Mainytinis” and from International Festivals in foreign countries.

In 2014 The President of the Republic of Lithuania awarded with the medal of the Lithuanian Song Festival “Here – My House”.

In 2015 the diploma of the laureate of the National Contest “Šoktinis”.

In 2016 the official thanks of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for organizing the Republican Song and Dance Ensemble Festival “Lithuania – You’re One for Me” in Utena.

In 2016 the official thanks of LNKC Director on the occasion of 20th anniversary of “Vieversa” creative activities.

In 2016 congratulations and thanks from Milda Petrauskienė, Member of the Seimas.

In 2016 greeting and gratitude from Edmundas Pupinis, Member of the Seimas.

2017 the second “Golden Bird” for the dance and song ensemble “Vieversa”.

2017 in the competition “All Lithuania is Dancing 2017”, organized by the State Song and Dance Ensemble “Lithuania”, the laureate in the youth group.

In 2017 international Festival-competition “Baltic Amber 2017” in Jurmala 1st class diploma for dancers.

In 2017 international Dance Festival “Baltic Amber Spring 2017” in Suwalki (Poland) – 1st place diplomas and medals.

In 2018 competition in Suwalki (Poland) – three first grade diplomas and one of second grade.

In 2018 competition in Jurmala (Latvia) – two Grand Prix venues.

In 2018 competition in Riga (Latvia) – four diplomas of the first grade and one Grand Prix.

Festivals, creative camps, seminars, feasts are organized on Roberta Macelienė’s initiative:

Since 2000 every second year, an international children’s and youth dance Festival “Under the Summer Sky” is held in Utena. Going on June 1st.

Every year Mother’s Day concerts-performances (first Sunday of May).

On July 2011 creative camp of the ensemble “Vieversa” in Kaltanėnai tourism center (preparing the 15th anniversary program of the ensemble).

On June 2013 camp in Alanta according to international creative project “White Bird above Aukštaitija and Latgale”.

From 2010 organized the republican children’s and youth dance groups and ensembles Festival “Friends for Friends”traveling through Lithuania. In Utena takes place in February.

2015 March 30 was organized educational project for 1-4 class students “Color Play”.

In 2015 R. Macelienė conducted a regional seminar “Pre-school and primary education combining dance, music and emotions”. Participants – teachers of choreography, music, primary, art of Utena district and republic.

In 2016 R. Macelienė conducted a national seminar „National dance and civic education in choreography lessons“. Participants – teachers of choreography of Utena district and republic.

On July 2016 creative camps in Kaltanėnai:

1. “Vieversa” and contemporary dance”;

2. “We learn Lithuanian and Latvian national dances (with the ensemble “Gaida”).

Every year R. Macelienė leads educational dance lessons in the city’s schools and kindergartens.

R. Macelienė has initiated “Vieversa” ensemble trips to other countries in recent years, participation in international Festivals, Lithuanian Festivals:

In 2010

02.16 Concert on the occasion of the Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania.

05.02 Concert-performance for Mother’s Day in Utena.

06.01 Republican Festival “Under the Summer Sky“ in Utena.

07.04 / 05 in Festival of Ensembles in Švenčionys the solo program of “Vieversa“ was accompanied by the ensemble of folk instruments and choristers of Ensemble Song and Dance “Lithuania“.

09. 18 Concert at Leliūnai Festival „Fair of Clay“.

09. 25 Concert for Utena city birthday.

10. 05 Concert for Teacher’s Day.

10. 29 Lithuanian TV show „Good Mood“.

In 2011

03.04 Republican Festival “Rise, The Sun” in Panevėžys.

03.06 Concert „Aukštaičių Days” in Vilnius “Kaziukas Fair”.

03.11 International Festival “Gervė 2011” in Visaginas.

05.01 Concert in Latvia, Preili Culture Center.

05.15 Family Day concert in Utena.

05. 27/28 Celebration of ensembles in Tauragė.

07.06 Concert of the State of Lithuania (King Mindaugas Coronation) in Utena.

07.11 / 20 Creative camp at Kaltanėnai Tourism and Education Center.

09.01 Concert for 1st September.

10.28 Concert of 15 years of creative activity of the ensemble.

In 2012

03.11 Festive concert “For You, My Lithuania” in Utena

04.20 Concert in Latvia, Preili

04.21 Jurginių Festival “Unlock the Earth” in Utena

05.05 Competition “Aguonėlė” in Panevėžys

05.15 Concert for Family Day in Utena

05.20 International folklore Festival “We will Play a Dance Braid” in Panevėžys

05.29–06.02 International Festival “Under the Summer Sky” in Utena

06.03 Concert of laureates in Vilnius Dance Theater

06.11 / 14 Camp with Preili dance ensemble “Gaida” and concert in Alanta

07.04 / 09 Festival of Student Songs

09.29 Utena City Festival

10.05 Concert for Teacher’s Day

11.12 Educational lesson at Utena Primary school-kindergarten “Varpelis”

11.19 Educational lesson at Aukštakalnis Primary School

12.07 Opening of Christmas Tree Celebration in Utena

In 2013

02.10 Festival of “Friends for Friends” in Šiauliai

02.16 Festive concert in Utena dedicated to the Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania. General concert with dance group “Gaida” (Latvia)

03.07 Republican Dance Festival “Friends for Friends” in Zarasai

03.06 Republican Dance Festival “Friends for Friends” in Panevėžys

03.15 Republican Dance Festival “We will Play a Dance Braid” in Panevėžys

03.22 Republican Dance Festival “Friends for Friends” in Utena

03.28 Republican Dance Festival “Friends for Friends” in Švenčionys

04.12 Republican Dance Festival “Friends for Friends” in Šiauliai

04.13 Presentation of Dance “Squirrel” in Alytus

04.14 Presentation of Dance “Squirrel” in Vilnius

04.19 Educational lesson-concert at the primary school “Žiburys” (Utena)

04.20 “Jurginių” feast in Utena

04.26 Presentation of dance “Squirrel” in Kaunas

05.17 Concert for Family’s Day in Utena

06.23 Concert in “Joninių” feast

07.05 / 06 Concert of ensemble’s evening “Here – My Home” in Švenčionys

09. 07 Concert at Utena City Festival

09. 08 Concert at Panevėžys City Festival

09. 27 Republican Festival “Mainytinis” in Zarasai

10.18 Educational lesson-concert at the primary school “Žiburys”

10.22 Presentation and teaching of dance “Tulyda kabaldai” at Pabradė Art School

10.23 Educational lesson-concert in kindergarten “Želmenėlis”

10.25 Presentation of dance “Tulyda kabaldai” to the ensemble of dance “Ugnelė” and training at Vilnius Schoolchildren and Youth Center

In 2014

02.08 Performance and selection for the Lithuanian Song Festival’s Evening of Ensembles.

02.10 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Šiauliai

02.16 Commemoration of the 16th of February in Utena Culture Center. Concert of ensemble

03.02 Mardi Gras in Utena

03.06 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Panevėžys

03.07 VII regional Festival of children and youth folk dances “Saula riduolėla” in Panevėžys

03.11 Concert for March 11th and 60th Anniversary of Utena Sports School in Utena Multifunctional Sports Center

03.14 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Utena

03.19 Event “The Song of Songs” in Utena Church of God’s Providence

03.20 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Vilnius

03.28 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Švenčionys

04.29 Concert on Fireman’s Day in Utena

05.07 Mother’s Day concert-performance in Utena

05.24 International Festival in Zarasai

06.13-14 Festival of ensembles in Alytus

07.06 Lithuanian Song Festival’s Evening of Ensembles in Vilnius

09.06 Concert in Utena City Festival

10.25 International Children and Youth Vocal Music Festival “Musical Nominations” in Utena

11.11 Educational lesson at Utena kindergarten “Saulutė”

11.12 Educational lesson at Utena kindergarten “Šaltinėlis”

11.27 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Vilnius

In 2015

01.22 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Švenčionėliai

02.07 Contest „Šoktinis“ in Plungė

02. 25 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Utena

03.11 International Festival “Children of 11 March” in Plungė

03.12 Festival “With Hope for the Future” in Panevėžys

05.03 Musical composition “Color Play” with students of Utena School-kindergarten “Varpelis”

05.15 Concert-performance for Family’s Day in Utena

05.30 The Evening of Ensembles in Tauragė

11.13 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Vilnius

12.14 Republican Festival “Friends for Friends” in Šiauliai

Educational programs, dance lessons in Utena district schools, schools-kindergartens

In 2016

02.26 Seminar-training in Šiauliai

03.09 Festival “Turn round as The Sun Goes” in Panevėžys

03.05 Seminar-training at Vilnius “Sietuva” progymnasium

02.04 Festival “Friends for Friends” in Utena

04.01 Festival “Friends for Friends” in Nemenčinė

04.24 Festival “Perkūnas Eyes” in Švenčionys

05.29 A concert at the City Festival of Alytus

10.15 Concert of friends in Utena “We are Growing, Rising, Flying” for the 20th anniversary of “Vieversa” creative activity

11.19 The Republican Song and Dance Ensemble’s Festival “Lithuania – You’re One for Me” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania

11.26 20th anniversary concert of the ensemble “Vieversa” creative activity “Embrace the Earth with Wings of VIEVERSA”.

Abroad (International Festivals):

2006 – Bulgaria, Portugal

2007 – Turkey, Macedonia

2008 – Latvia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Italy (Sardinia)

2009 – Latvia, Hungary, Ukraine

2010 – France, Greece,

2011 – Turkey, Latvia, Tunisia

2012 – Sicily, Spain,

2013 – Italy, Macedonia, Latvia

2014 Taiwan

2015 – Greece, Poland

2016 – Montenegro, Croatia, Poland

2017 – Greece, China, Latvia, Poland

2018 – Italy, Croatia, China, Poland, Latvia, Estonia

R. Maceliene’s credo: Everyone can dance … Dancing we must be proud of being Lithuanians.

Principles and aims of R. Macelienė’s creative work: To help children understand their talents. Develop the need to dance and make dance a part of life.

The manager says, “Utena is my home. Here is my family, where my biggest dream came true – to set up a dance and song ensemble, with which we have been glorifying Utena and Lithuania for several decades in all the world, getting laurel wreaths in competitions and song celebrations. Most importantly, I can give children the love of national culture, folk dance and respect for the customs of my people. The members of ensemble and I we are proud of our exclusive mission of nurturing and bringing national culture to the world, dancing our country’s history”.

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