The first meeting of the IGF’s executive board was held at the Vietnamese Embassy in Paris. Proposals regarding the activity of the folklore federations members of IGF were discussed during the meeting, and we remind you here of some of the more important issues that are to take place in 2017 sponsored by IGF: World Folk Star, Gold Star ( Ex Oscar), IGF Folk Caravane, The International Festival “Zamfira’s Wedding”, Europe Day (to be celebrated this year in Bucharest in the presence of Romania’s Minister for Culture and the ambassadors of the countries that are members of the IGF). The most important point of the agenda was the accession of Vietnam’s National Folklore Federation to IGF, at the initiative of the President of the French Folklore Federation, Nicolas Charlety and the President of IGF, prof. dr. Dorel Cosma. The embassy staff gave a warm reception to the members of the executive board in the halls, and Nguyen Ngoc Son, special envoy of Vietnam in Paris and Nguyen Thanh Vuong, head of the Cultural Institute welcomed everybody in the meeting room. After discussions and the vote of acceptance of the Vietnamese Federation in the World Folklore Union IGF the participants were invited to a typical Vietnamese lunch in one of the embassy’s living rooms. Friday night was reserved for a tour of Paris by coach, everybody being impressed by the beauty of the city.