IGF Board Council Meeting

IGF Board Council Meeting

Athena – Greece

Between 17 and 19 May 2013 in Athena – Greece was organized an IGF Board meeting. The level of accommodation and ambiance were special and all that because of Ms. Meni Papanicolau amiability, which is the owner of Folklore Oscar Awards 2012. The IGF’s Board is thanking again for all and we are glad that special persons like Ms. Meni is involving and helping our association. It’s an example of self-denial and passion for universal folklore, an example that it will be wonderful if it could be found it also in other places.

At the meeting from Athena were present delegations from 15 countries. Form IGF Boards were presents the next persons:

– Prof.dr.Dorel Cosma – I.G.F.

– Nicholas Charlety – I.G.F. president adj.

– Benito Ripoli – I.G.F. vice-president

– Antonio Vinars – I.G.F. vice-president

– Nicholas Lanitis – I.G.F. vice-president

– Rosen Bogdanov – I.G.F. general secretary

– Indra Filipson – I.G.F. general secretary adj.

– Birute Akelatiene – I.G.F. board member

– Franco Megna – president of scientific council

– Pahone Pop – I.G.F. board member

– Johannes Schmid – I.G.F. board member

– Zenon Kolobych – I.G.F. board member

and the guests:

– Ameen Kassem – Israel

– Malgosa Broda – Poland

– Reinhard Gobel – Germany

– Genghis Viznisli – Turkey

– Meni Papanicolau – Greece

– Mihai Berbunschi – Romania

The meeting was coordinated by the president Mr. prof. dr. Dorel Cosma with the following order:

  1. Introducing the new members and the accept of the Board Council :

ü Malgosa Broda – Poland – has presented us information’s about the Poland folklore and the opening for collaborations.

ü Reinhard Gobel – Germany – vice-president of Folklore German Federation, talked about the German folklore from Bavaria region represented by the Folklore Federation directed by Ms. Annemarie Wagner

ü Genghis Viznisli – Turkey – has presented us the values of the Turkish folklore and his connections with the entire folklore regions from Turkey.

– The president of IGF – Mr. Dorel Cosma has also presented the other countries who would like to join our organization: Egypt – Mr. Amir Nabih, Denmark – Ms. Lilian Apetri, Italy – FISB, Ostrich – Ms. Sofia Eichhorn, Moldavia Republic – Mr. Eugen Suruceanu, India, and Algeria – Mr. B. Sedjerari.

– All the proposals were accepted and the presented countries became IGF members.

  1. The analyze of IGF activity for 2012 and short presentation of IGF news magazine nr. 21. Also our guest Mihai Berbunschi has presented the new IGF website (www.igfunion.eu) were it will be posted all the information’s regarding IGF.
  1. The programs for OSCAR Folklore Awards and World Folklore Stars 2013 were discussed and confirmed on telephone by Mr. Vladan Tesanovic, that these important events will be hosted in Belgrade – Serbia between 9 and 14 August 2013. Everyone has received the book with the IGF Statute and also the regulations and the conditions for OSCAR Folklore Awards and World Folklore Stars approved by the Board Council in 2011 at the IGF Meeting from Sofia – Bulgaria. According to this rules for OSCAR Folklore Awards 2013 were nominated the next persons:

– Benito Ripoli – Italy

– Rosen Bogdanov – Bulgaria

– Ameen Kassem – Israel

– and a representing person from Serbia, as the host country

Other proposals were rejected by non fitting with the rules.

  1. At the World Folklore Stars 2013 from Belgrade will participate folklore ensembles from the next countries:

– Serbia

– Poland

– Spain

– Portugal

– Argentina

– Russia

All IGF members are invited between 9 and 14 August 2013 in Belgrade –

Serbia to participate at OSCAR Folklore Awards and World Folklore Stars

and also IGF Board meeting

  1. IGF Folklore Caravan – first edition organized by the Folklore Federations from Romania, Italy, France and Spain between 14 and 29 June 2013 with the next program:

– 14 – 18 June – Colibiţa, Bistriţa-Bârgăului, România

– 19 – 21 June – Bergamo, Italy

– 22 – 24 June – Voiron, France

– 25 – 28 June – Ourense, Spain

– 29 June – departure

For this event has confirmed participating singers from Romania, Italy, France, Spain, Bulgaria, Israel, Ukraine, Turkey, Slovakia and Serbia.

IGF Board Council appreciates in special mode this initiative and we hope in the success of this first edition intending for the next editions to extend this event.

  1. IGF fee taxes – a very delicate problem but very important for the stability of IGF. We decided that until 9 August 2013 is the last date when everyone must pay the IGF fee taxes. There are some remaining unpaid taxes since 2 or 3 years for some countries members which will be excluded from IGF if they will not pay. To avoid the exclusions of this countries we decided that the vice-presidents and the general secretary to send handbill letters like this:

– vice-president Michalis Lanitis – to Hungarian Folklore Federation

– president adj. Nicolas Charlety – to Irish Folklore Federation

– vice-president Antonio Vinas – to Portugal Folklore Federation

– vice-president Benito Ripoli – to Check Folklore Federation

– general secretary Rosen Bogdanov – to Russia Folklore Federation

The IGF annual fee taxes starting from 2012 are according with the IGF statute voted at the IGF Board meeting from Sofia:

– 150 euro/year for Folklore Federations under 50 groups (1 vote)

– 300 euro/year for Folklore Federations with 50 until 100 groups

(2 votes)

– 500 euro/year for Folklore Federations with more than 100 groups

(3 votes)

  1. Other problems

In the spirit of friendship that rules in IGF, Mr. Beito Ripoli expresses his hope in resolving the issues regarding Check Republic and Greece. The president prof. dr. Dorel Cosma also said that the purpose of IGF is to collaborate in friendship without excessive vain and with reciprocal respect. In this idea we will continue working passing over the vain which don’t belongs to IGF, and to promote the friendship, collaboration, reciprocal respect, all in according with the IGF statute rules. We have printed all this rules and it will be the documents after we will guide.

Mr. Franco Megna has made the proposals am interesting initiative for supporting young people in knowing the culture from other countries. In this way it will be made a program to be analyzed at the meeting from Belgrade.

Mr. Antonio Vinas has presented an interesting project of collaboration between culture and touristic business that could bring financial support and might be applied also in other countries.

Ms. general secretary adj. has lunched the invitation for participation at the first edition at the International Festival from Riga 2013.

Mr. Mihai Berbunschi has presented a new very interesting and innovative system of video conferencing purchased by IGF that will help us very much in realizing some quick IGF meeting in virtual world. Also he has presented the new building for exhibition from Bistrita (“Lions House”), where are invited all the countries to bring traditional handmade crafts.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. President Adj. Nicolas Charlety and Mr. Vice-president Benito Ripoli, have appreciated this meeting, also the professional and democratically way of working and coordinating our organization by the IGF President.

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