IGF BOARD IN Vilnius – October, 2018

IGF BOARD IN Vilnius – October, 2018

In the period of October 12-14, 2018, a meeting of the IGF World Folklore Board took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Through the care of Mrs. Birute Akelaitiene – President of the National Folklore Federation of Lithuania and member of the IGF Board,the meeting took place in optimal conditions and managed a rich organizational program. The following board members were present: prof.dr. Dorel Cosma – IGF President, Nicolas Charlety – Acting President, Ameen Kassem – Vice President, Jose Antonio Vinas Mira – Vice President, Vladan Tesanovici – Vice President, Rosen Bogdanov – General Secretary, Pahone Pop – deputy treasurer, Birute Akelatiene – member and Jozef Revák – member.

The agenda included the following issues:

  1. Analysis of IGF activities during 2018;
  2. Projects for the year 2019;
  3. Miscellanea.

The meeting was opened in the presence of national and local representatives of the Lithuanian authorities who welcomed the presence of all delegates at this meeting. Ms Birute Akelaitiene also welcomed all the colleagues present.

The IGF President thanked both the Lithuanian authorities and our colleague Birute Akelaitiene for their effort to host this meeting. There was a review of the event in Limasol – Cyprus, where our colleague Michalis Lanitis struggled to organize the two IGF Gold Star and World Folk Star. The good connection and the support of the City Hall, which was congratulated and stipulated with a distinction, is worth mentioning. The special IGF distinction was given to Mr. Michalis Lanitis for his excellent organization and involvement in the two events mentioned above.

With reference to the “IGF Caravan” the organizer of which has been – Jose Antonio Vinas Mira, who thanked his colleagues for the presence of vocal soloists, guided to participate in this event by colleagues from the World Folklore Union. He also thanked the deputy chairman Nicolas Charlety, who was present at the event organized as the representative of the IGF Presidency. Congratulations to Mr. José Antonio Vinas Mira and IGF President Dorel Cosma for the effort made in realizing and keeping alive this great event as is the “IGF Caravan”.

Short interventions were also made by the following colleagues:

Ameen Kassem, who this year organized the second edition of the IGF Festival in Israel that will continue in the future. Congratulations !

Vladan Tesanovici – who spoke about activities in Serbia and about participating in international events, thanks to colleagues and their support. He said he had talks about joining the IGF with the Federation of Bosnia, Georgia, Algeria, Egypt, Argentina and Hungary. In the following period, confirmations from these countries are to be expected.

Rosen Bogdanov – talked about the Bulgarian events and the respective collaborations.

The IGF President congratulated all colleagues on the accomplishments of this year and asked them to send videos from these international meetings as soon as possible, so these could be promoted on the official website of the World Folklore Union – www. igfunion.eu , the IGF Live TV section. Written materials for the next issue of IGF Folklore Magazine were also requested.

Neither the issue of the levy was forgotten. It was urgently required to pay up to date all arrears, debtors will be posted on the IGF site and even excluded, where appropriate.

By the end of 2018 there will be several events to which colleagues are invited:

1-3 November Târgu Mureş, Romania – Festival of vocal soloists. 2 representatives from IGF member countries can participate with negative recordings and obligatory popular costume. Arrival in Targu Mures is scheduled for 31st of October, in the evening or at the latest on 1st of November. The participation must be announced by November 25, 2018 at Bistrita Cultural Palace, Romania.

23-25 November San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy – Commemorating Padre Pio;

The invitation is on the site of the IGF World Folklore Association and on the What’s App  API IGF Board.

Towards the end of the meeting, the IGF President presented and evaluated the visit of the IGF Office to Vietnam and also the good collaboration with this new Federation. The return of the Federation of the Czech Republic and Portugal, with which the IGF President held talks this summer, was also discussed. Replies are also expected from Costa Rica and the Philippines.

All members of the Board have been asked to keep in touch with the federations they have under their authority, to visit their members and to support them in various national and international events.

The proceedings went to point 2. For 2019 actions were set as follows:

March 29 – 31, 2019 – Spain, IGF Board meeting;

20 – 24 June 2019 – Spain and Portugal, IGF Caravan with the participation of the Federations of France, Israel, Serbia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania. Other Federations may be announced, the deadline being 31 March 2019;

July 25 – 30, 2019 – Bistrita, Romania, extended IGF Board meeting with the participation of all IGF members, IGF Gold Star, World Folk Star;

September 2019 – Puy du Fou, France, IGF General Assembly

In the end, the colleagues wished to be more involved in all the events that the World Folklore Union organizes. It was reiterated that all information on IGF can be found on the official website www.igfunion.eu.

For outstanding merit in organizing, Ms. Birute Akelaitiene received the open IGF distinction followed by an extraordinary folklore program supported by the Lithuanian Federation ensembles, followed by a visit to the tourist town of Trakai.

Congratulations once again to the President of the Federation of Lithuania, Mrs Birute Akelaitiene, for her organization, involvement and the warmth she waited for and surrounded all IGF members in the Board.

All IGF colleagues have the obligation to prepare their programs, send materials for the magazine and TV, pay their annual membership fee and, of course, meet the tasks set by the Board members.


Doris Cosma

IGF President Counselor

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