IGF Board meeting

IGF Board meeting

Dear colleagues,

I would like to remind you that between 17 and 19 April 2015 at Ourense in Spain it will be organized one important IGF Board meeting. That why I invite you to pay your IGF taxes for 2015 and other debts if you have. This is important for IGF financial situation and how the future events it will be sustained.

Also I’ll wait for your proposals for participating at IGF Folklore Caravan which will be organized between 20 and 30 June 2015 in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. Each country can participate with 2 singers. All the singers must arrive on 20 June 2015 at Porto in Portugal and the departure back home it will be on 30 June 2015 from Rome – Italy.

I would like to inform you that on 28 and 29 June 2015 we will organize IGF BAL at San Giovanni Rotondo. At this big party are invited to participate all IGF members. Each one who want to participate must pay just 100 euro for the 2 days and other expenses will be supported by F.I.T.P and IGF. Please send to our general secretary or president, your wish to participate at the BAL, until 10 April.

I hope it will participate all our colleagues and in this way we will start one great activity which might became a tradition each year.

IGF Folklore Caravan 2015 it is financial sustained by the folklore federations from Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and Romania.

This it will be the program:

–  20 June – arriving at Porto – Portugal

–  21 Performance in Portugal

–  22 trip to Spain

–  23 Performance in Spain

–  24 trip to France

–  25 arriving in France

–  26 performance in France

–  27 trip to Italy

–  28 performance in Italy

–  29 IGF BAL and Caravan Awards in San Giovanni Rotondo

–  30 departure back home from Rome – Italy

The transport from San Giovanni Rotondo to Rome it will be made with one bus for all the guest.

I’ll wait for your quick answer, name, age, sex, pictures and other materials so we can start all the preparations.

Best regards,

Prof. PhD. Dorel Cosma

I.G.F President

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