I.G.F Board Meeting Italy (17-19,Nov 2023)
On November 17-19, 2023, the town of San Giovanni Rotondo in Italy became the folklore capital of the Pugliese area.Dedicated to Padre Pio, this grand manifestation gathered around the city, important names from national and international culture. Through the efforts of the IGF Senator – Benito Ripoli, the members of the IGF World Folklore Union Bureau were invited here. Delegates from seven countries responded to this invitation, appreciating the organizational efforts and the quality of the event.
The first evening excelled with the classical music concert performed by Marialuigia Martinez, C. Minchilo, M. Villoni, M. Solimando et al. It was a wonderful evening in which popular culture merged with classical culture, proving directly on stage that we are talking about one universal culture.
The second day was dedicated to the IGF Board meeting. The delegates present confirmed the exceptional quality of the hosts, especially the Senator, Benito Ripoli, who strove to ensure that all the guests benefited from excellent conditions.
The Bureau established important tasks for each member and decided that each member should consider a meeting in the country they represent. Delegates from Italy, France, Turkey, Israel, Croatia, Romania were present. An important moment of the Bureau meeting was the presentation of the delegation from the Republic of Moldova. The speech of Mrs. Silvia Zagoreanu – the president of the Folklore Federation of the Republic of Moldova and the director of the National Center for the Conservation and Promotion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, impressed all those present.
As a result, the vote was unanimous and the Republic of Moldova became, for the first time, a member of the IGF World Folklore Union. Discussions continued with the special tasks of each component of the Office.
It was established that the next meeting and also the great activity of the IGF GOLD STAR, Ex. OSCAR, to take place in 2024, in Marseille, France.
The concert organized in the evening, in honor of the members of the IGF and the respect for Padre Pio, demonstrated once again the organizational and artistic qualities that Senator Benito Ripoli possesses. We were pleasantly impressed by the Gargarensi concert and the magnificent performance in poetry and song by Mr. Benito Ripoli.
We returned home with new forces, hopes, positive emotions and at the same time delighted with the beauty and value of the IGF family.