Still in a critical situation at international level, due to the new covid-20 virus, the last meeting of this year 2020 of the IGF (World Folklore Union) executive bureau, an event that took place online with the help of the application so used in these days, ” ZOOM “.

Among those present were, of course, the President of the I.G.F. Prof.Dr. Dorel Cosma, Adjunct president Benito Ripoli from Italy; Vice President Vladan Tesanovic from Serbia; Vice President Jose Antonio Vinas Mira from Spain; Vice President Franco Megna from Italy; I.G.F. administrative-financial advise of the president Tobias Rinaldo from Italy; Law Expert Nidal Kassem from Israel; Secretary General Rosen Bogdanov from Bulgaria; Deputy Secretary General Zelida Stulesatz from France who wanted to excuse the absence from the meeting of the Adjunct president Nicolas Charlety, who was involved in organizing a cultural event that took place at one of the buildings under the administration of World Folklore Union. In addition to those mentioned above, members of the executive board were also present among which we menton Birute Akelatiene from Lithuania, Johannes Schmidt Kunz from Switzerland, Giorgios Cutsak from Greece, Stjepan Kovačević from Croatia, Maria Kolobych from Ukraina and of course Romania also represented by Deputy Treasurer Pahone Pop and the IGF president counselors Doris Nedelea and Adrian Pușcaș, so over 15 countries represented at this meeting.

The joy of the reunion even in these conditions was a natural one, each of those present having a feeling of joy considering the fact that until this year it has not happened that the members of the organization do not meet at least twice a year in a part of Europe or even Asia (one of the last “live” meetings took place in Vietnam) or America and in the future, why not, maybe even Australia.

After the natural introduction in which each of those present, not a few in number, conveyed good thoughts for the holidays and the end of 2020, it moved on more important things including the agenda of 2021, year in which the major events that were postponed in 2020 will take place according to the established schedule. Among these events I mention only the I.G.F. Gold Star (Oscar in Folklore) which will take place in Bulgaria, but also many other international events.

The end of the event belonged to the President of the World Folklore Federation, Prof. Dr. Dorel Cosma, who congratulated every initiative and activity that took place in 2020, even if they were all online, but the international culture and folklore did not take a break. The hope, to which all those present responded positively, was that in the next year the events could be held in the usual way, namely with an audience that in the end would give the applause and appreciate the artists.

The last thought with which the event ended was a message of peace and friendship, with the hope of good health, sent by each of those present at the conference.

Pușcaș Adrian

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