Dear friends,

The days of 26, 27, 28 June 2020 were exceptional days for our or ganization, the I.G.F. In a difficult period from a medical and even economic point ofview, the IGF proved once again to be a lively organization and the only one in the world that dared, following medical rules , to demonstrate the usefulness of culture worldwide. I am at great joy that we have carried out a worldwide pioneering activity, that no international organization has yet considered. I want to thank you all for your involvement and for understanding the message I have sent to the whole world. Folklore through its music and color brings people together, helps them get through difficult situations more easily. It’s what we really achieved.

For three days, the Folklore Federations of Romania, France,Italy,Spain, Israel, Serbia, Switzerland, Cyprus, Greece,Vietnam,Czech Republic, Ukraine, India, Mexico,Turkey,Costa Rica and Azerbaijan led by their ranks, and equipped in folk costumes have offered to the whole world images of a great diversity contributing to the relaxation of the hard moments of these days. “IGF Caravan – 2020” held by means of online technology has shown that world culture will be remembered as evidence of people’s attachment to the idea of understanding beauty, freedom and friendship worldwide. I would like to note the effort of each National Federation to fit in as much as possible in the scheduled time. It was a necessary measure to be able to give all Federations the opportunity to express themselves and at the same time it proved the concern of the leaders to edit the information in the established time. The IGF also demonstrated great unity through the live presence of all leaders equipped in folk costumes. This is an additional proof of the respect we have for the popular culture of each country. I remembered only one exception – the Federation of Azerbaijan, which was not equipped in the right outfit. Given that the Federation of Azerbaijan is very new to the IGF, this time we accepted the motivation. Say that any further failure to comply with requirements , could lead to rejection of the talks and meetings in remedial IGF, especially as Azerbaijan has a great variety of very beautiful and valuable costumes.

The second day held under the title “Caravan of Folk Costumes” was in fact a real international symposium of great importance. The concern of each Federation was felt for the most original presentation of the costumes from eachcountry. I would call this day with using a double name: Symposium and Parade because the exhibitions, very well synthesized in due time, were concise with the costume parade expressed either directly by live mannequins or very successful pictures. Congratulations again to all the Federations for the way they thought and represented each country.

The third day dedicated to folk songs – the only event of its kind in the world surprised again with well-chosen and representative musical tracks for each country.

There were three days of maximum artistic achievement to which a special contribution was made by the technical team that allowed the special collaboration with all corners of the world. I thank my colleagues for providing the technique, setting and artistic atmosphere I requested.

I believe that this “IGF 2020 Caravan” has demonstrated our strength and unity worldwide. I regret that not all our colleagues were present because the invitation was launched


for everyone. A number of Federations such as: Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Belarus motivated their absence by notifying us in advance of their special situations. Other federations such as Slovakia, Poland, Russia were absent without any motivation. It is especially unfortunate that some of these ranks were also included in the IGF Board of Directors or were even rewarded with ” Oscars in Folklore ” awards . These are topics of meditation both for their rank leaders and for the next meeting of the IGF Board . We want a beautiful relationship of friendship and respect as expressed by the vast majority of countries present in the Caravan. We believe in the sincerity and contribution of each colleague for the work of promoting national and international popular culture. The three days of the Caravan were watched daily by over 3000 users who followed us on our Facebook page. These days we are going to upload the entire event on the IGF website, each Federation having the opportunity to select and promote the event. I really invite you to do this, for advertising, and let me personally know in case you hace complied. The “IGF Caravan” will be broadcasted on three national channels in Romania, starting today and throughout the next three days,.

Congratulations to all IGF colleagues and friends for their contribution to the great success of the IGF Caravan 2020


IGF President,

Prof.Dr. Dorel Cosma

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