The ‘Oscar’ Folklore Awards

The ‘Oscar’ Folklore Awards
The ‘Oscar’ Folklore Awards
  1. It will only be awarded to the cultural personalities who are active in the field of folk culture.
    Any nomination of political entities (such as parties, governors etc.) is forbidden.
  2. The maximum age for being awarded an Oscar prize is 75 years old. Exception will be discussed
    in the board council.
  3. Only one template will be adopted for the ‘Oscar’ trophy, with the year and the receiving
    person’s name marked on it.
  4. 5 – 7 Oscar prizes at the most, which will have been analyzed and decided within the I.G.F.’s
    Board as a result of the Federations’ propositions, will be awarded each year. Each federation who has
    nominate a person for the Oscar prize will be entire responsible for the presence of that person at the
    ceremony and in case of absent that person will be excluded of discussion for 5 years.
  5. All the CVs will be kept, duly registered, at the General Secretariat, subsequently followed by
    the awarding minutes bearing the reception signatures.
  6. The absence of a nominee will entail the postponing of the awarding on a later date. Exception:
    the post-mortem cases.
  7. The propositions may only be made by the federations’ chairmen or by I.G.F.’s chairman for
    outstanding people within I.G.F.’s Board or for great world cultural figures.
  8. The few important criteria below will be taken into account for the Oscar propositions:
  9. For music personalities:

    Conductors, composers, instrumentalists, solists/ singers etc.

    – At least 5 personal CDs or

    – Two books, musical collections or

    – The title of Inter-national Honored Artist

    For choreographers:

    – At least 10 suites of dances put on and certified by documents (press, diplomas etc.)

    – Two presences in The World’s Folklore Gala, with their own shows put on — or

    – The title of Inter-national Honored Choreographer Artist

    For researchers, collec-tors, band conductors or other cultural perso-nalities:

    – At least 10 specialized columns in the national press and 2 in theinternational press, including I.G.F.’s
    Journal, or

    – At least three cultural specialty books

  10. All the propositions will be submitted to I.G.F.’s chairman and to the general secretariat till
    March 15th of each year. The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General will analyze the files
    received and whether all the criteria will have been met. The conclusions will be sent to I.G.F.’s Board
    and scientific council, which will decide on the prize awarding.
  11. The ceremony of the Oscar folklore prize will take place in theater hall with a large number of
    audiences. The organizer federation has the duty to assure publicity in entire mass-media and the press
    conference first of and after the ceremony. When the prize will be offered it will be played the national
    hymn of the award it person’s country.

Each federation has the obligation to respect this regulation.

World’s Folklore Stars
  1. An event that should replace the kitsch and the dirty businesses from the Grand Prix.
  2. Attendance of at least six countries, which will have been decided within the I.G.F.’s Board upon
    the proposal of each Federation chairman and in this way each country will participate appro-ximately
    every three or four years.
  3. There will be no contest. The attending groups will receive the title of ‘International Honored
    Folk Group’, which will account for that group’s international value acknowledgment. Each Federation
    will obviously delegate great artistic value groups.
  4. The choreographers and the conductors will be awarded titles of international honored artists.
  5. Each organizer fede-ration will provide accommodation and meals for those 6 groups, but the
    transport will belong to the invited group or to the representing federation.
  6. I.G.F. will support financial the organizing country.
  7. First edition (2012) will be organized in Bulgaria and I.G.F. members should express in write their
    wish to participate, but the organizers can decide about those 6 participating groups.
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