Under Padre Pio’s Aegis

Under Padre Pio’s Aegis

On November 22nd–24th, 2013, under Padre Pio’s aegis, in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy there was a great cultural event, which encompassed Italian artists within the folk groups of F.I.T.P. (the Italian Federation of Folk Traditions) and three fanfare groups. I.G.F. representatives invited to this event stood alongside more than 500 artists. The invitation was honored by : Dorel Cosma, Prof. PhD – I.G.F.’s president, Antonio Vinars – I.G.F.’s vice-chairman, Vladan Tesanovici and Pahone Pop – I.G.F. Board members, Bulent Uzun – the president of the Turkish Harmanfolk Federation, Ioan Simionca – the executive president of the Romanian National Folklore Association, photographer artist Florin Coşoiu and, obviously, the host, Benito Ripoli – F.I.T.P.’s president and I.G.F.’s vice-president. The event started by a meeting at the City Hall of San Giovani Rotondo, where Mayor Luigi Pompilio welcomed all I.G.F. members in an extremely warm and friendly manner. Then there was a meeting with the local administration and with municipal counsellors in the Board room. Mayor Luigi Pompilio extensively set out a joint project with I.G.F. regarding the furtherance of the European folk values. I.G.F.’s president supported the project and underlined the importance of such meetings and the brilliant idea of concentrating I.G.F.’s events in a European centre like San Giovani Rotondo. Then we saw the location that is to be assigned to I.G.F. for putting on and coordinating the great European activities. The location, situated in the San Giovani Rotondo chief town, is highly generous and can constitute a great achievement in I.G.F.’s activity and in furthering the universal folk values. In the evening there was a concert dedicated to Padre Pio, put on by the more than 500 Italian artists present there. The effort and the talent of F.I.T.P.’s president, Benito Ripoli, who kept alive the event tonus by poetry and music, are of note. As a sign of respect, I.G.F.’s president remitted I.G.F.’s special award to mayor Luigi Pompilio and to Benito Ripoli and released the ‘Travelling and Poetry Journal’ for the audience. The book presents aspects of I.G.F.’s activity and from the cultural life of Bistriţa chief town, Romania.

In their turn, the mayor of San Giovanni Rotondo and Benito Ripoli remitted to Prof. PhD Dorel Cosma the award of the San Giovanni Rotondo city and the special scarf meant to I.G.F.’s president. The important moments of the day were put down in the City Hall’s Honour Book, under I.G.F.’s president’s signature.

On the following day, certain outstanding activities for I.G.F. in 2014 were set up. Thus :

– The period of I.G.F.’s Folk Caravan for 2014 was set up : June 13th – 30th.

– The place and the time lapse for the ‘Oscar Prizes’ and ‘W.F.S.’ were set up : Italy – the former part of August 2014.

-The number of the Oscar Prizes for 2014 was set up (5) and the granting, beginning with 2014, of a great prize for cultural institutions, in compliance with the Charter.

In the evening, homage was paid to Padre Pio in the middle of the chief town, then there took place an extraordinary procession throughout the city up to the imposing religious edifice dedicated to the city’s well-doer and protector. Mayor Luigi Pompilio, I.G.F.’s president, Dorel Cosma, and F.I.T.P.’s president, Benito Ripoli, led the line all the way, displaying their positions signs.

The San Giovani Rotondo meeting was extremely useful, proving once more that where there is passion, great things can be accomplished. A mayor of such a value like Luigi Pompilio is a blessing for any place and for any servant of the cultural phenomenon. Life will confirm the results of this wonderful event carried out under Padre Pio’s patronage.

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