I.G.F. Continues Its Conspicuousness

I.G.F. Continues Its Conspicuousness

The International Union of European and Extra-European Folklore Associations, I.G.F., turns 65 years of existence as of this year (2014). Initiated by the National Folklore Federations of France and Italy, I.G.F. underwent important steps, being in a way a forerunner of the great European family. Our Union’s idea and goal are the co-operation and the collaboration of all cultural-folk forces to the benefit of peace and friendship amongst all peoples of the world. Having a noble desideratum, I.G.F. spread out quickly, nowadays including national folklore federations from more than 50 countries. If at the beginning it only wished to be a European folklore union, in time the collaborations got wider, so that at the moment I.G.F. includes national folklore federations from Europe, America, Asia and Africa.

Our activity is carried out both by the organization of symposia or scientific meetings and by the arrangement of great international festivals. These past several years, I.G.F. has initiated important events aiming at stimulating and valuing great personalities of the folk culture. In this regard, each year 5 to 7 persons are awarded the high Oscar Word Prize for Folklore. The awarding ceremony takes place in an impressive framework, backed up by the anthem of the country from where the nominee originates. In order to make a distinction among those who own this title, I.G.F. Board decided and issued a medal engraved with the year when the prize was awarded.

World Folk Stars is another important event organized by I.G.F., which gathers 6 groups of the member countries each year. This event sees the delegations of the most representative folk groups, which in the end are awarded the title of ‘Honored International Folk Group’.

In 2013, four important I.G.F. Federations united their forces and organized the first edition of an important cultural event known as I.G.F. Folk Caravan. Soloists from 10 countries covered more than 8000 km in Europe and put on highly attractive shows in Romania, Italy, France and Spain. The four countries proved to be remarkable organizers and the end carried out in the Central Plaza of Ourense, Spain, in the presence of 1000 viewers, was really magnificent.

The activities organized by I.G.F. are put down in various magazines both from the member countries and in the I.G.F. News magazine, published annually, which now bears number 22. The two-year existence of its own website – www.igfunion.eu – enables an ample collaboration and furtherance with various factors and authorities worldwide. We are persuaded that in the near future, too, thanks to the quality of the I.G.F. members, our actions will be more sought for and appreciated in all corners of the world.

I.G.F. Chairman

Dorel Cosma, Prof. PhD

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