Italy hosted the other day the awards ceremony – IGF Gold Star (Ex. Oscar in folklore).

Ravenna, the host city of the awards I.G.F. Gold Star has once been the capital and was chosen the most sensational Byzantine mosaics in Western Europe, which they kept as Italians know how to take care of art. A long history, sparkling, colorful, which brought eight magnificent monuments inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage.

At Ravenna, every year, the Theatre “Dante Alighieri” in addition to opera and classical music festivals, hosts once a year an international event. So in September 22 in the week when in Romania they celebrated 150 years of the birth of George Coşbuc – who made the first and the best translation into Romanian of the “Divine Comedy” – at the “Dante Alighieri” Theatre was receive awards in folklore – IGF Gold Star – 2016.

Major international event, perhaps one of the most awaited cultural events in folklore is held every year in different locations and this year, the Executive I.G.F. has decided that the event should take place in the Italian city of Ravenna.

From the event did not lack representatives of the executive I.G.F. Bureau as Birute Akelatiene from Lithuania, Meni Papanicolau from Greece, Benito Ripoli from Italy and of course the president of the World Folklore Union – I.G.F. – Prof.Dr. Dorel Cosma.

In a festive atmosphere, Nidal Kassem – Vice President Federation of folklore from Israel, Nikos Sagrosis from Greece, Stefan Kovacievic – President of the Federation of folklore from Croatia, Rima Moisejenkienė from Lithuania, Ivonne Espinoza from Mexico, Pahone Pop from Romania and Angelo Moris from Italy were rewarded for all their work done over the years for the benefit and promotion of the authentic folklore.

Moments full of emotion and excitement took place in the hall of the theater “Dante Alighieri” at the awards I.G.F. Gold Star – 2016. Elegant and kept gripped by emotion at the sound of chanting the national anthem of each Country, Gold Star Award nominees went on stage, receiving reward for their work.

Congratulations to all winners I.G.F. Gold Star 2016 and also for Benito Rippoli – President of F.I.T.P. Italy and the entire Federation of folklore F.I.T.P. for the excellent organization of this major international event, supported substantially by the Bureau of the World Folklore Union – I.G.F.


Pușcaș Adrian

Angelo Morisi

Ivonne Espinoza

Nidal Kassem

Nikos Sagrosis

Pahone Pop

Stefan Kovacievic

Rima Moisejenkiene

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