I.G.F. Gold Star

I.G.F. Gold Star

Dear colleagues,

As we decide at our last I.G.F Board Meeting 2016, from Voiron – France, in September, with the support of the Italian Federation (F.I.T.P), we will organize our event – I.G.F. ”Gold Star” (ex Oscar) 2016 – in Ravena (Italy) at 22 September at Dante Aligheri Theatre.

I’m waiting your proposals for this award urgently, because we have to select from them 5-6 persons maximum for this year, 2016.

The deadline for the proposals and also CV’s is 30 august 2016. After this date, the proposals will be not accepted any more. What about I.G.F people and there participation to this meeting, I will ask you to contact our colleague, I.G.F. president adj. – Benito Ripoli.

Best regards,


Prof. Phd. Dorel Cosma

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