Dear friends,


The year 2019 is an important year for our organization. It’s been 70 years since IGF came into being. In this anniversary year we shall meet in France from October 4 to 6, to analyze our activity and to elect our Board of Directors for the next four years. I believe that during these four years we have spent together, I managed important and valuable moments that promoted the IGF brand. The special results obtained together determined me to apply for another term of IGF president (2019 – 2024). I want to continue the beautiful things that I have achieved and I think, first of all the FRIENDSHIP which now dominates IGF. Certainly there were less successful issues but I am convinced that together we have solved the most important matters creating an excellent image for IGF. I invite, with great love, all of you to support me and to vote for the benefit of the IGF on October 4 – 6, 2019.

In order to proceed according to the IGF Statute, I inform you about some articles of the Statute.

  • Any IGF member with permanent activity has the right to apply for any management position.
  • Nominations for the position of President of the IGF shall be submitted in writing at least 30 days before the General Assembly to the Secretary General of the IGF – Rosen Bogdanov.
  • The number of votes in the General Assembly is equivalent to the number of         groups in each Federation and for which the up-to-date paid contribution including 2019. Thus for Federations with:up to 50 groups – 1 vote, from 50 – 100 groups – 2 votes, over 100 groups – 3 votes.
  • Federations that have not paid the contribution do not have the right to vote.
  • If a Federation, for special reasons, cannot attend the General Assembly, it has the right, by official legal act, to express its vote sent in writing to the Secretary General.
  • The General Assembly elects by open vote, with a simple majority the President of the IGF, the Secretary General, and takes note of the vote of each         Federation.
  • After the election of the President, he will preside over the continuation of the General Assembly.
  • The President will submit to the vote of the General Assembly the other functions of the Bureau and the Board of Directors.
  • Each member elected in the IGF management structure has the obligation to        organize, during the term of the mandate at least one of the annual IGF meetings.


I mentioned only a few of the bylaws to work in the best conditions. Please, dear colleagues, confirm the participation on the files submitted in order to be able to place the accommodation order and the complete program.

I am looking forward to meet you with friendship and confidence in our future.



Prof. Dorel Cosma

President of the IGF

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