The General assembly of I.G.F Took place in Chamonix, France on october 5th  2019.


1st  PART


Nicolas Charléty, as President of the French Federation and President Adjoint of I.G.F. opened officially the meeting by welcoming all people who attended. He reminded that 70 years ago the French and the Italian federations chose to work together and to create I.G.F.


Dorel Cosma, as President of I.G.F. began the General Assembly by presenting a film made by Adi

Puscas, promoting the main events between 2015 and 2019.


René Sourisseau, as Treasurer of I.G.F. made the financial report. He insists on the fact that it is very important to have one year in advance with economy, otherwise it would be difficult to lead projects.


Benito Ripoli thanks Nicolas Charléty and his team for the organization. He gives memory to Zenon Kolobych who died a few months before. He says that there are many activities in F.I.T.P. and he hopes to be even more present for I.G.F.


Michalis Lanitis says he is very proud to be member of I.G.F., he hopes there will be even more cooperation, and more work. He congratulates everyone.


Birute Akelaitiene is very happy to participate to all these activities and thanks the organizators of the meetings and events.


Franco Megna underlines that Dorel and his team made I.G.F. developing, and I.G.F. is now like a house with so many different nationalities living inside.


Dorel Cosma concludes and congratulates everybody for all the activities.


2nd  PART


The report of activities is approved unanimously.


The vote of the board : Rosen Bogdanov reminds that candidatures could be sent until September 5th

2019. He received only one to be candidate to be president : Dorel Cosma.


Dorel Cosma is submitted to the vote as president of the I.G.F. , he is elected by the assembly.


Dorel Cosma introduces the board to be elected :

President Dorel Cosma

President Adjoint Nicolas Charléty


President Adjoint Benito Ripoli

Vice-President : Vladan Tesanovic

Vice-President : Ameen Kassem

Vice-President : Antonio Vinas

Vice-President : Franco Megna

Treasurer : René Sourisseau

Treasurer adjoint : Pahone Pop

General secretary : Rosen Bogdanov

General secretary adjoint : Zélida Stuelsatz

Delegate for Asia : M. Nghiem

Lawyer expert : Nidal Kassem

Members of the board : Birute Akelaitiene

Michalis Lanitis

Giorgio Cutsak

Johannes Schmidt

Jozef Revak

Malgosia Broda

Tobia Rinaldo

The board was elected by the general assembly.


Dorel Cosma proposes to have two meetings each year, one in each semester. He wishes all board members organize at least one meeting in the next four years.


Semestre 1 : Meeting of the board


Semestre 2 : Meeting of the board + the Gold Stars


Dorel Cosma excuses Antonio Vinas not to be there for health reason.


A new function has been created in the board : a delegate to the president for Asia and the promotion of I.G.F. in Asia.


Dorel Cosma proposes M. Palomba from Italy to deal with special mission that she refus


M. Nghiem as new delegate to the president for Asia says he is very happy to be part of I.G.F. and he is ready to spread the spirit if I.G.F. He hopes to gather 10 countries within I.G.F. for next year.


Calendar :


2020 : Belarus / Italy


2021 : Israël / France


2022 : Poland / Bulgaria


2023 : Greece / Serbia


Despite the fact that it was reminded to the following countries to pay for their adhesions, they didn’t pay so they are excluded, as it is mentioned in the statutes:


Argentina Folklore Association

Croatia – Folklore Association “DRUZINA”

Mexico – Folklore Federation “CH EH OC”

Turkia – Folklore Association “Harmanfolk” Istambul

Latvia received an ultimatum


This is approved unanimously.


Three new federations want to be part of I.G.F. : New federation from Georgia


Mexico – Folklore Association”Saltillo”


Turkia – Folklore Association” NIKOMEDIA”


They will be invited to the first meeting in Belarus in 2020.

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