Cultural Establishments Visited in Belarus

Cultural Establishments Visited in Belarus

For two days, Prof. PhD Dorel Cosma, in his twofold status of I.G.F.

chairman and manager of the Municipal Cultural Centre, jointly with I.G.F.’s

secretary general, Rosen Bogdanov, visited 15 cultural establishments of the

Republic of Belarus – the Moghilev Region, which was a meeting aiming at

affiliating the Republic of Belarus to I.G.F. and at extending the cultural relations

in this area rich in cultural traditions. The invitation was put into practice thanks

to the kindness of Manager Oleg Fedorovici, which closely dealt with the entire

schedule. The visit began with an official discussion with the vice-governor

of the Moghilev Region and with the local cultural authorities. Art schools,

libraries, museums, art galleries, cultural houses from Moghilev, Shklov and

Alexandria were visited. The direct meeting with the authentic folklore from

Moghilev, Shklov and especially with the famous ‘Babouchka’ from Alexandria

was particularly interesting.

The ‘Golden Songs’ concert that was attended provided the occasion

of meetings with great artists of the world, amongst whom we must note the

famous prestigious group Boney M. The talk had with the Minister of Culture

from Belarus highlighted the interest in the collaboration and the extension of the

cultural relations between the Republic of Belarus and I.G.F.

The visit in Belarus was actually put into practice by a series of cultural

exchanges, the very first joint action being to take place in Bistriţa, Romania, by

the end of November, when writers from Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, France,

Serbia and Israel will take part in the ‘Liviu Rebreanu’ international theatre and

literature event.

The year 2014 will mark the presence of Belarus on the stages within

I.G.F.’s Caravan and obviously on the stages of the great festivals from Romania,

Bulgaria, Italy, France and so forth. We already say ‘Welcome, Belarus, into

I.G.F.’s family !’

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