IGF / IOV  Culture World Congress In Noci, Italy : 

Identity in diversity has been the main topic of the World Folklore Congress that
took place between 14 -16 May with the substantial aid of FITP. The congress has been
attended by delegates from 22 countries representing four major world folklore

The opening speeches were held by our host, Mr. Benito Ripoli, president of FITP and
president adj. of IGF., the mayor of Noci the head of the culture department of the region
of Puglia, Mr. Aldo Patruno.

The anchor of the congress, Fabrizio Cataneo then called the four representatives
of the world folklore organizations to take the floor.

The president of IGF, Dorel Cosma Ph.D.
stated in his speech:                                                 RESPECT – IDENTITY – PEACE

We live in a world full of stress, agitation, threats, war, pandemic, post-pandemic. Fear of tomorrow has become a common feature even on the old continent.

It’s as if never in the last 30-40 years have so many black clouds gathered over us. In this dramatic scenario it is natural to ask the question: Is popular culture and folkloric expressive values still needed today? My opinion is that from the rostrum of this important international forum, we must answer: Yes, we need great knowledge and recognition of our roots, we also need anchoring in the need for spiritual, moral values stored in the heart, soul of each nation. We must specify that the need to know the identity is also a fundamental tool for capitalizing on the relational heritage existing in each community.

Today, cultural expression is characterized by dialogue and friendship, values that oppose force and war. We know, of course, that we live in a time when the great political leaders of the world are masters of special powers and sophisticated weapons. And then, naturally, we ask ourselves – What do we do, those who promote cultural values? We too are called to respond to the powers of the world by expressing our idea of peace and the extraordinary beauty of art.

We are also called to the educational activity of training and transmitting to children and young people the folk values, the popular culture. We are also called to explain to the political classes the value of cultural heritage with its material and immaterial characteristics. Music and dance, song are moments that unite us and encourage us in difficult times as we could see in Ukraine, where music, song encouraged those who took refuge from the bombs of war. We have the duty to transmit to the next generation the feelings of peace, of love, towards the folkloric values of each nation. Such a symbolic image is also provided by the music of our folk groups, which is louder than the sound of weapons. This meeting organized by FITP and the Puglia Region and supported by important world folk organizations is the guarantee of the role we have now, present and in the future.


The IGF World Organization and the Executive Office I represent here, we are concerned about the realization of our program in this post-pandemic period. We do not hide that our organization also had difficult times: we were actually forced to cancel a series of meetings and events originally scheduled, we had critical situations and deaths, as was the loss of our friend and colleague IGF Vice President – Jose Antonio Vinars – an energetic, young personality full of enthusiasm and who now, with regret, we say, looks at us from among the stars. In this international context, I would like to thank you, dear Antonio, for your outstanding work in promoting and supporting universal popular culture. Thank you for the special hospitality and attention paid each year in promoting the prestigious IGF Folk Caravan event at Qurense , which brought together representatives of folk music from around the world.



During the executive board meeting, president Cosma and the vice presidents established the calendar for the coming year and updated the membership lists according to the most recent data, some organizations being withheld due to the pandemic and others eager to join. The matters settled in Voiron were presented by the adj. president Nicholas Charlety and vice president Vladan Tesanovic and the legal counselor Nidal Kassem. The matters mentioned were acknowledged and voted by the board.


The budget for 2023 has been voted responsible being the treasurers and the president, also the following responsibilities were established: this IGF website – Nidal Kassem, recruiting new federations – Vladan Tesanovic, the Jose Antonio Vinars IGF Caravan – Dorel Cosma, Zelida Stuelsatz, Benito Ripoli, Maria Kolobych, Vladan Tesanovic, Franco Megna, Ameen Kasem, Nidal Kassem, Doris Cosma Nedelea, and the IGF Magazine Dorel Cosma. During the next months there will be meetings in France, Spain, Cyprus and Romania the next board meeting being scheduled for September in Israel and in October Dorel Cosma and other members of the board are going to visit Uzbekistan, Bosnia and Jordania to learn about the local activities of these organizations in order to join the IGF.



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