I.G.F. Board Meeting and IGF Gold Star Awards

I.G.F. Board Meeting and IGF Gold Star Awards


October 22nd 2015

I.G.F. Board Meeting and IGF Gold Star Awards

People attending the meeting :

Dorel COSMA, President

Nicolas CHARLETY, President Adj. (1)

Benito RIPOLI, President Adj. (2)

Ameen KASSEM, Vice-president

Vladan TESANOVIC, Vice-president

Zélida STUELSATZ, Secretary general adj.

René SOURISSEAU, Treasurer

Pahone POP, Treasurer adj.

Franco MEGNA, Law expert adviser

Indra FILIPSONE, member

Michalis LANITIS, member

Johanes SCHMID-KUNZ, member

Luigi POMPILIO, IGF Senator

Luigi SCALAS, president of scientific council

Giorgio CUTSAK, member of the scientific council

Birute AKELAITIENE, president of the artistic council

Antonela PALUMBO, member of the artistic council

Bulent UZUN, member of the artistic council

Mihai BERBUNSCHI, counselor of the president, specialized in English and Italian

Doris GÎTA, counselor of the president, specialized in German and Spanish

Adrian PUSCAS, counselor of the president, specialized in English

On Thursday October 22nd 2015 at 9h00 in the reception room of the hotel Marom in Haifa the president M. Dorel COSMA opened the board meeting. He welcomes all the participants and thanked Ameen KASSEM and the Albadia Israel Federation to have organized this meeting.

Ms. Doris GÎTA presents the new organogram for the years 2015-2019, made after the election of the general assembly in Nimes on august 2015.

Mr. Dorel COSMA congratulates all the new members. In accordance with the statutes there are the president, two president adjuncts, three vice-presidents, and the board. The new organogram can be found on the website of IGF (www.igfunion.eu), with the details about the missions of each member.

Mr. Dorel COSMA already sent all the engagement letters to every member of the board. It was very important that all the members know about all the letters and all the duties, that why each letter was presented on video projection by Mr. Mihai BERBUNSCHI who gives the details of each engagement letter.

Each member is expected to sign his/her letter during the meeting and to give it back to M. Dorel COSMA. During the next meeting each member will have to make a report about his/her activities.

Mr. Adrian PUSCAS presented the model of the calendar which is proposed for 2016. All the photos or texts can be changed if the federations send them quickly by mail to igf.romania@yahoo.com . The price for each calendar is 10 Euros. To be able to buy them, there will be a minimum of 50 calendars.

Mr. Nicolas CHARLETY proposes to add a page at the end with the agenda of all the events (festivals) in the member federations. All the members of the board agree.

Each year there are two board meetings and other events. There is one activity for each semester. M. Dorel COSMA reminds that it is very important that each member organizes at least one event in his/her country:

  • 2016       Italy and Romania (Gold Stars Awards)
  • 2017       Cyprus (end of July or beginning of august for a board meeting) and Switzerland in September
  • 2018       Lithuania (may) and Turkey
  • 2019       Latvia and France (general assembly and elections)

The theater hall from Haifa hosted the award ceremony for IGF Gold Star prizes in the presence of a very large crowd together with some Israeli authorities from the Ministry of Education, Tourism or Extern and also in the presence of 14 IGF delegations from 14 countries.

The personalities who were awarded are:

  • Tobia Rinaldo – Italy
  • Gerardo Bonifati – Italy
  • Ernests Spics – Latvia
  • Momi Almog – Israel
  • Kalliopi Panopoulou – Greece
  • Sylvia chassard – France
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